Student Record Requests

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (FERPA) is the Federal law which requires educational institutions to establish a written policy with regard to the privacy rights of students. It also requires such institutions to make a statement describing their procedures with regard to students’ privacy rights available.  Pitzer College shall maintain the confidentiality of education records in accordance with the provisions of FERPA, and shall accord all the rights under the law to all students who are or have been in attendance at Pitzer College.

In order for a third party (e.g. parent, spouse, lawyer, etc.) to access a student’s record, the student must complete the FERPA Waiver Form. Through this form, students will choose which of their education records they wish to be shared and with whom. Please email [email protected] to begin the process.

 Student Disciplinary Records

A Student Disciplinary Record consists of any conduct proceedings where the student was found responsible for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. In compliance with state law and college policy, the Office of Student Affairs maintains Student Disciplinary Records for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the final decision or resolution. Files are maintained permanently for all pending incidents and incidents resulting in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.

With the student’s consent, the Office of Student Affairs will provide information about a student’s disciplinary/conduct history to interested third parties with a legitimate educational interest.  These reports are typically requested by potential employers, institutions to which you are transferring, State BARs, or federal investigative agencies. You must typically sign a waiver in order for us to provide this information.

To complete a Student Conduct Records Check please email [email protected] to begin the process.

Student Transcripts vs Student Disciplinary Records

The Student Disciplinary Records maintained by Student Affairs are separate from a student’s transcript, which is maintained by the Office of the Registrar. A Student Disciplinary Record consists of any conduct proceedings where the student was found responsible for a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. A student’s transcript is a reflection of their academic record, including such items as credit hours taken, grades and grade point average. If a student is dismissed or expelled from the College for disciplinary reasons, there will be a permanent notation of the dismissal or expulsion on the student’s transcript. If a student is suspended from the College for disciplinary reasons, there will be a notation of the sanction on the student’s transcript during the period of suspension.

May I have a copy of my medical records?

All students may request a copy of their medical records. This release of information form or a written request must be submitted. This request should include: the name of the school the student is attending/attended, year of graduation, list of information requested, the manner of delivery (mailed or picked-up by patient), and must be dated and signed by the patient. The records will then be copied and delivered according to the patient’s request. A small fee for copying may be charged. Medical records are also available directly to students through their Online Health Portal.