How to Apply to Study Abroad

Cerro del Muerte, Ecuador

We appreciate your interest in study abroad and look forward to working with you. A semester or a year abroad can be an enriching educational and cultural experience. Pitzer study abroad alums have used the knowledge and skills learned abroad as the basis for senior thesis, grant proposals, and careers.

Pitzer College considers participation on a study abroad program to be a privilege. In order to be selected and participate in a study abroad program, a student must satisfy the program’s requirements and be considered by the review committee as likely to benefit from and contribute to the program. Priority is given to qualified students who meet the deadlines, have not participated previously, and will have junior or first semester senior status at the time of participation. Approval for a particular program will be based on the applicant’s essays, suitability for the chosen program, academic record, preparation and class level, and the space available.

Application Instructions for Pitzer College students

Application Instructions for non-Pitzer students