How do I make a report?

You can report sex or gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating or domestic violence, and sexual exploitation directly by:

[email protected]

  • Private Voicemail: 909.607.2958
  • Appointment: Broad Center, Room 212 or Zoom (Alyssa-Rae McGinn is not on campus, but available via Zoom)
  • Online Reporting Form

You may use any of the above methods to discuss your options and understand what reporting entails. You are not obligated to make a report or disclose any information in such a conversation. You will not be asked questions about what happened except as necessary to initiate a formal complaint at your request, and you decide whether and what to disclose.

What does the Title IX Office do?

The Title IX Office ensures that the College complies with state and federal laws including Title IX, a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and gender in schools, including sexual harassment and violence.  Some of the responsibilities of the Title IX Office are:

  • Speaking with students, faculty, and staff members to address reports of sex discrimination in all forms. Types of discrimination that fall under Title IX include:
    • sexual harassment including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking 
    • discrimination or harassment on the basis of gender or sexual orientation 
  • Providing support to complainants, respondents, and witnesses, regardless of whether a formal complaint is made:
    • Complainant: any student, staff member, or faculty member who makes a report to the Title IX Office
    • Respondent: Those person(s) accused of misconduct
    • Witness:  The people who assist in investigations and hearings by sharing information about the incident
  • Taking reports and consulting with reporting parties about the options for addressing the harm they’ve experienced
  • Managing the process when there is a formal complaint filed
  • Training the campus community about prohibited conduct, available support, reporting, and the process

Is forming a task force just a way to delay the changes that are needed?

Absolutely not. This process is vital as we examine our practices to best serve Pitzer students. We value input from our community and the work of the task force will be prioritized.

When will the task force conclude its work and make recommendations?

The task force will begin its work in January upon returning from Winter Break and we expect it to continue to work through April.