
Welcome to Pitzer College Career Services
Career Exploration & Planning at Pitzer College means taking action, reflecting often, and being open. We begin with Discovery — We consider and articulate one’s values, interests, and skills. We do this through career advising, discovery workshops, reflection on experiences, and assessments. We Achieve this by utilizing skills and resources to secure opportunities. Resources include job postings, on-campus recruiting, Pitzer Internship Fund, Networking Skills & contacts. Finally, we Explore by investigating industries and career contexts. We do this through career fairs, field trips, informational interviewing, Pitzer Professional Network, Winter Break Shadowing, and employer information sessions.
Appointments & Walk-in Hours
If you would like to meet with one of the Career Services staff members, please make an appointment through our online appointment scheduler Handshake.
To see a complete listing of events and workshops log into Handshake.
Handouts and Guides
These handouts and guides will help you with your job search. Visit the Career Planning page.
Contact Information
Career Services is here to help you achieve postgraduate success, no matter what that looks like for you. From career consultations to advice about graduate and professional schools, our team offers you the tools you need to reach your goals after graduation.