Annual Budget

Through collecting semesterly Student Activities Fees, the Pitzer College Student Senate is able to operate from an annual budget of approximately $350,000. This is used to fund Pitzer and 5C organizations, academic conferences and research costs for students, and campus-wide programming.

The Budget Bylaws are a set of bylaws enacted by Student Senate that govern how the budget is spent. An updated version of these bylaws can be found here [PDF].

If you have questions or concerns regarding Student Senate budgetary matters, please feel free to contact the Vice President of Finance ( or the Treasurers (

Accessing Senate Funds

In addition to Student Senate’s yearly budget, students and organizations may request funding from Budget Committee throughout the academic year. All meetings are in GSC 200 at 6 p.m. or via Zoom. Please note that any requests not submitted within the 48 hour window will not be heard, and any approved requests will not be honored following the 21 day period.

Getting Approved for Funding

Please follow the steps below to access funding through Budget Committee:

  1. Submit a request form: use the form linked below to submit a request at least 48 hours prior to the meeting (Friday at 6 p.m.). If you submit it late or cannot attend the upcoming meeting, you can simply show up at a later meeting without having to submit another request (providing it is within the same semester). Requests can be submitted from an individual or on behalf of a Pitzer or 5C organization.
    • Please note that Budget Committee does not fund money for events; all requests should go to the Pitzer Events Board.
    • For individual requests, the maximum amount that Budget Committee can fund a student is $300 per academic year.
  2. Attend a meeting: Budget Committee meetings are held every Sunday while school is in session in GSC 200 or via Zoom (link can be found on the request form and attendance notice). Meetings start at 6 p.m., and requests are heard in order of submission. After all requests are heard, the committee moves into a closed session to discuss and vote upon all requests heard.
  3. Hear back: within 24 hours of the meeting, the Treasurers will email each student with the decision of Budget Committee. Please note that all decisions are final and will not be reconsidered.
  4. Access funding: Budget Committee only approves funding to be spent, but does not immediately give students funds. For instructions on how to access approved funding, please see the next tab. Every approved request expires after 21 days following its approval; after this time frame, unused funding will be re-distributed by Budget Committee. Terms for misuse and sanctions can be found in the Budget Bylaws [PDF].

Budget Committee Funding Request Form

Important Dates

Below are important dates for the 61st Session (2024–2025 Academic Year):

Dates coming soon

Budget Committee Members

The Budget Committee is composed of eight members: the Vice President of Finance, the Treasurer, and the four class representatives, the International Representative, and the Identity Board Chair. The permanent members of Budget Committee for the 60th Session are listed below:

  • Ella Hale, Vice President of Finance
  • Marilyn Su, Treasurer
  • Sara Kimura, Senior Class Representative
  • Isa Iqbal, Junior Class Representative
  • Amirah Haque, Sophomore Class Representative
  • Raquel Welcome, First Year Representative
  • Gabriel Bartoli, International Representative
  • Sara Orr, Identity Board Chair
student standing in front of Grove House

In order to access Student Senate funds, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Get approval: a Pitzer organization or Budget Committee may authorize a student to access funds.
    • Pitzer organization: the organization must democratically vote on all funding requests, which then must be recorded and submitted in the meeting minutes via Engage. Without valid meeting minutes approving a request, it cannot be processed.
    • Budget Committee (previous tab): students may be individually funded up to $300 per academic year for academic endeavors such as conferences, research, and senior theses. If the committee approves a request, the confirmation email from the Treasurers classifies as valid meeting minutes.
  2. Submit a spending request form: using the form linked below, submit a spending request. Please be sure your meeting minutes are complete and that you select the correct organization so that the purchase is debited from the correct account.
  3. Go to GSC 200, where a Campus Life staff member will be ready to assist with your spending request, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or schedule a specific time to meet using the form below. Note: Credit cards are not permitted to be used by students outside of the Campus Life office.

    Meeting Minutes Submission Form

    Senate Spending Request Form

Rules for Usage

  • Funds may not be used to purchase alcohol, tobacco, firearms, explosives, weapons, single-use plastic bags, water bottles, or gift cards
  • Funds may only be used for the transaction and total approved

Violation of Rules

Misuse of the Senate funds at any point will result in a permanent ban on the student from using the card. Appeals may be made to Student Senate following the Budget Bylaws. See the Sanctions section below for more information.


Any students who violate the rules and regulations of either the reimbursement process or credit card checkout system are subject to sanctions, as defined by the Budget Bylaws.

In order to access Student Senate funds through the reimbursements, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Get approval: a Pitzer organization or Budget Committee may authorize a student to access funds.
    • Pitzer organization: the organization must democratically vote on all funding requests, which then must be recorded and submitted in the meeting minutes via Engage. Without valid meeting minutes approving a request, it cannot be processed.
    • Budget Committee (first tab): students may be individually funded up to $300 per academic year for academic endeavors such as conferences, research, and senior theses. If the committee approves a request, the confirmation email from the Treasurer classifies as valid meeting minutes.
  2. Save all receipts: in order to verify all requests, itemized receipts must be submitted. This does not include receipts with only the final amount included, bank statements, or tickets; only full receipts with a list of all items purchased are valid.
  3. Submit a reimbursement request: using the form linked below, submit a reimbursement request with PDF files of both meeting minutes and receipts. Please be sure to select the correct organization so that the purchase is debited from the correct account.
  4. Be patient as check is processed: in order to verify and fulfill a request, there is a waiting period that can last between 1 and 3 weeks, as it is a process that involves many steps. Please be patient and know that your check will be coming soon!

Meeting Minutes Submission Form

Reimbursement Request Form

The Pitzer College Student Senate oversees all on-campus organizations, which includes approving funding requests. In addition, Student Senate also funds 5C clubs in collaboration with the other student governments. Historically, about $100,000 are allocated to organizations prior to the start of the academic year, and Budget Committee has a budget of approximately $50,000 that can be allocated to organizations throughout the year.

Financial accounts for Pitzer organizations are maintained by Student Senate. Individual organizations have autonomy over the allocation of their budgets; however, all allocations must be democratically approved by members and recorded in the organization’s minutes. In addition, all allocations must follow the guidelines set in the Budget Bylaws.

Although 5C organizations may receive funding from Pitzer, this funding is then managed by the Associated Students of Pomona College (ASPC).

Getting Approved for Funding (Pitzer Clubs)

In order to enter the academic year with a guaranteed budget, all Pitzer organizations must attend the annual budget hearings, held in April of the previous year. This is required for all organizations wishing to receive funding, with the exception of identity groups. Detailed information and re-charter forms (including sign-up times) are sent out shortly before hearings.

Organizations may also apply for additional funding throughout the year, which is done through weekly Budget Committee meetings. However, due to the high amount of funding requests, it is hard to fully fund all requests, so it is encouraged for organizations to apply for funding during budget hearings. For more information on Budget Committee and relevant forms, please see the first tab.

Getting Approved for Funding (5C Clubs)

All 5C organizations are eligible for funding from each of the student governments at the 5Cs, which is then managed by ASPC. In order to receive funding from the Pitzer Student Senate, organizations are encouraged to attend yearly 5C budget hearings in April; they also have the opportunity to attend Budget Committee meetings.

In order to enter the academic year with a guaranteed budget, all 5C organizations must attend the annual budget hearings. These are hosted by ASPC in April of the previous year, and all student governments are in attendance. In the time leading up to hearings, ASPC hosts information sessions and sends out re-charter and sign-up forms.

5C organizations may also apply for additional funding throughout the year, which is done through weekly Budget Committee meetings. However, due to the high amount of funding requests, it is hard to fully fund all requests, so it is encouraged for organizations to apply for funding during budget hearings. For more information on Budget Committee and relevant forms, please see the first tab.

Funding Transfers

A Pitzer organization may transfer funds to another organization. Similarly to all other funding requests, this must be democratically voted upon during a meeting and recorded in meeting minutes. After a transfer is approved, you will complete a Funding Transfer From, and the funds will be transferred upon verification by the Vice President of Finance.