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With Pitzer Since: 2018
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Boston Child Study Center
Predoctoral Internship, Harvard Medical School / McLean Hospital
PhD, Duke University
MS, Peking University
BA, Pepperdine University
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (PSYC187)
Ethical Issues in Psychology (PSYC189)
Psychology of Mindfulness (PSYC140)
Internships in Psychology (PSYC186)
Psychological Disorders (PSYC181)
Global Mental Health (PSYC193)
Peer Counseling (PSYC184)
Senior DEI Advisor, PBac, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School (2023-present)
Supervisor, Marsha Linehan DBT Clinic, University of Washington (2023-present)
Instructor, LA County DMH and UCLA Partnership for Wellbeing (2022-present)
Founding Member, ISITDBT Antiracism Committee (2021-present)
Mentor, PLANS (2021-present)
Consultant, Chinese Mental Health Association, DBT committee (2019-present)
Scholar in Residence, Pitzer College (2022-2023)
Avery Fellowship, Claremont Graduate University (2020-2021)
Blais Foundation Grant, Claremont Graduate University (2019)
Sontag Center for Collaborative Creativity Award, The Claremont Colleges (2019)
Founding Member, MPCT, McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School (2017-2018)
James B. Duke International Fellowship, Duke University (2016-2017)
Travis Research Institute Grant, John Templeton Foundation (2015-2017)
Harvey Fellowship, Mustard Seed Foundation (2014-2017)
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, National Academy of Sciences (2013-2016)
Dean’s Graduate Fellowship, Duke University (2012-2014)
Samuel DuBois Cook Society Award, Duke University (2015)
Foreign Student Scholarship for Academic Excellence, Peking University (2012)
Helen Pepperdine Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service, Pepperdine University
- Global mental health: Increasing access to care
- Optimizing treatment adherence in online interventions
- Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
- Writing children’s books about emotions, wellbeing and diversity/inclusion
Jiang, Q., Zhu, Y., Rodriguez, M. A., Wen, X., & Qian, M. (in press) Social anxiety does not impair attention inhibition: an emotion anti-saccade task. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Yao, N., Yang, Y, Jiang, Y., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2022) Intolerance of uncertainty relates to anxiety and depression through maladaptive coping and worry: Evidence from repeated-measures research. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 15, 42-56.
Rodriguez, M. A., Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Weisman, J., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2021) Improving Treatment Engagement in an Online Mindfulness Intervention among Chinese College Students. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 5(10), e25772.
Weisman, J. & Rodriguez, M. A. (2021) A Systematic Review of Medical Students’ and Professionals’ Attitudes and Knowledge regarding Medical Marijuana. Journal of Cannabis Research, 3(1), 47.
Yu, S., Rodriguez, M. A., Deng, X., & Liu, X. (2021). The Toronto Mindfulness Scale: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version. Mindfulness, 12, 1976-1984.
Liu, D., Rodriguez, M. A., Liu, W., & Zhang, J. (2021). The Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 on Pediatric Patients Following Recovery. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 628707.
Wang, H., Zhao, Q., Mu, W., Rodriguez, M. A., Qian, M. & Berger, T. (2020). The effect of shame on patients with social anxiety disorder in internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy: Comparison clinical trial in China. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 7(7): e15797.
Lin, L., Wang, K., Kishimoto, T., Rodriguez, M. A. et al. (2020). An internet-based intervention for individuals with social anxiety and different levels of Taijin Kyofusho in China. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 51(1), 387-402.
Chen, H., Rodriguez, M. A., Qian, M., Koshimoto, T., Lin, M. & Berger, T. (2020). Predictors of treatment outcomes and adherence in internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety in China. Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 43(3), 291-303.
Rodriguez, M. A., Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Su, K., Xiao, Z. & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2020). Using Non-Specialist Providers to Improve Treatment Engagement in an Online Mindfulness Intervention in China. Behavior Research and Therapy. 130, 103644. DOI: 10.1016/j.brat.2020.103644
Yao, N., Rodriguez, M. A., He, M., & Qian, M. (2019). The influence of visual working memory representations on attention bias to threat in individuals with high trait anxiety. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 10(4), 1-15.
Xiao, Z., Rodriguez, M. A., Fang, C., Rosenthal, M. Z., Robins, C. & Gao, J. (2019). The effect of patient education on Chinese adolescent and parental opinions about confidentiality. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 46(2), 340-352.
McKlintock, A., Rodriguez, M. A., & Zerubavel, N. (2019). Mindfulness retreats: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 10, 1443-1454.
Neacsiu, A., Fang, C., Rodriguez, M. A., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2018). Suicidal behavior and problems with emotion regulation. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors, 48(1), 52-74.
Xu, W., Liu, X. H., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2017). Mindfulness, self-acceptance and psychological symptoms in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients in China. Journal of Psych-oncology, 26(12), 2157-2161.
Huang, S., Zhang, Y., Yao, N., Rodriguez, M. A., & Fan, F. (2017). Attentional training for social anxiety in college students. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25(5), 986-990. [In Chinese]
Rodriguez, M. A., Fang, C., Gao, J., Robins, C., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2016). Perceptions of the limitations of confidentiality among Chinese mental health practitioners, adolescents and their parents. Ethics and Behavior, 26(4), 344-356.
Zhang, N., Fan, F., Huang, S., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2016). Mindfulness training for loneliness among Chinese college students: A pilot randomized controlled study. International Journal of Psychology, 53(5), 373-378.
Rodriguez, M. A., Xu, W., Wang, X., & Liu X. H. (2015). Self-acceptance mediates the relationship between mindfulness and stress. Psychological Reports, 16(2), 513-522.
Turner, B., Dixon-Gordon, K., Austin, S., Rodriguez, M. A., Rosenthal, M. Z., & Chapman, A. (2015). Non-suicidal self-injury with and without Borderline Personality Disorder: Differences in self-injury and diagnostic comorbidity. Psychiatry Research, 230(1), 28-35.
Eisenlohr-Moul, T., Peters, J. R., Chamberlain, K., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2015). Weekly fluctuations in nonjudging predict borderline personality disorder symptom expression in women. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 38(1), 149-157.
Xu, W., Rodriguez, M. A., Zhang, Q., & Liu X. H. (2015). The mediating effect of self-acceptance in the relationship between mindfulness and peace of mind. Mindfulness, 6(4), 797-802.
Neacsiu, A., Herr, N., Fang, C., Rodriguez, M. A., & Rosenthal, M. Z. (2015). Identity disturbance and problems with emotion regulation are related constructs across diagnoses. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 71(4), 346-361.
Gan, Y. Q., Wen, Y., Wang, J. Y., Rodriguez, M. A., Gong, X. L., & Xie, X. F. (2014). Is expressive suppression an effective coping strategy? A study of Chinese rescue medical staff following an earthquake. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17(4), 264-276.
Gan, Y. Q., Xie, X. F., Wang, T., Rodriguez, M. A., & Tang, C. S. (2013). Thriving in the shadow of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake: Two studies on resilience in Adolescents. Journal of Health Psychology, 18(9), 1232-1241.
Rodriguez, M. A., Qian, M., & Jia, K. (2012). White Bear Suppression Inventory: Structure, reliability and validity of the Chinese version. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2, 143-147. [In Chinese]
Rodriguez, M. A., Gao, J., Qian, M. Y., & Xiao, Z. (2012). A comparison of the effects of suppression and acceptance on affect outcomes and attributions of responsibility. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 3, 356-359. [In Chinese]
Deng, Y. Q., Liu, X. H., Rodriguez, M. A., & Xia, C. Y. (2011). Five facet mindfulness questionnaire: Psychometric properties of the Chinese version. Mindfulness, 2(2), 123-128.
Rodriguez, M. A., Lin, J. Y., Qian, M. Y., & Yang, X. Y. (2011). When should confidentiality be breached to report adolescent risk-taking behavior? A comparison between parents and psychologists in China. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 25(9), 655-657. [In Chinese]
Rodriguez, M. A., Qian, M. Y., Gao, J., & Xiao, Z. (2010). Validation of the Thought-Action Fusion Scale among Chinese college students. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 24(11), 859-863. [In Chinese]
Qian, M. Y., Gao. J., Yao P., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2009). Professional ethical issues and the development of professional ethical standards in counseling and clinical psychology in China. Ethics and Behavior, 19, 290–309.
Books and Book Chapters
Yang, K. & Rodriguez, M. A. (2023) Understanding and Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. Sichuan Science and Technology Press. [In Chinese]
Rosenthal, M. Z., & Rodriguez, M. A. (2017). Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. In B.J. Shadock, V. A. Shadock, & P. Ruiz, (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Selected Publications
Kamal, F. & Rodriguez, M.A. (October 2022). Antiracist group therapy principles and strategies. Workshop at LA County Psychological Association (LACPA). [Virtual]
Lim, H., Li, Y., Mann, S., Petit, D., & Rodriguez, M.A. (November 2022) Self compassion and self-esteem mediate the relationship between parental validation and stress. ABCT Annual Convention, New York, NY.
Mann, S., Li, Y., Lim, H., Petit, D., & Rodriguez, M. A. (October 2022). Self Esteem Mediates the Relationship Between Parental Validation and Depression. Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA), Los Angeles, CA.
Ledbetter, J., Moore, D. & Rodriguez, M.A. (May 2022) The Effect of Visualization on Sports-Related Anxiety and Overall Well-Being in Collegiate Athletes. APS Annual Convention.
Li, Y., Cary, A., & Rodriguez, M.A. (May 2022) A One-Week Self-Guided Self-Compassion Intervention for College Students in the U.S. and China. APS Annual Convention.
Li, Y., Zhang, J., Cary, A., & Rodriguez, M.A. (February 2022) The effect of a Self-Compassion training on Chinese College Students: A randomized controlled experiment. Society for Cross-Cultural Research: APA Division 52 Conference [Virtual].
Williams, C., Buehrer, N., Ho, J., Ma, J., & Rodriguez, M. A. (August 2021). Psychometrics of the Parental Validation Scale. APA Conference [Virtual].
Zuniga, J., Kreppel, E., Ledbetter, J., Chin, K., & Rodriguez, M. A. (August 2021). Meta-Analysis of Peer-Counseling on Youth Mental Health. APA Conference [Virtual].
Horseman, R., Challman, K., Rodriguez, M. A., & Chu, J. (August 2021) Psychophysiological mechanisms of social cognition and functioning in psychotic-like experiences. APA Conference [Virtual].
Ho, J., Buehrer, N., Ledbetter, J., Rodriguez, M. A., & Rodriguez, N. (August 2021). The Relationship Between Ways of Coping, Validation, and Mental Health Outcomes. APA Annual Convention [virtual].
Buehrer, N., Chin, K., Hwang, J., Rodriguez, M. A., & Rodriguez, N. (August 2021). Social Reaction to Trauma Disclosure: Validation and Invalidation as Predictors of Survivors Outcomes. APA Annual Convention [virtual].
Paolo-Rombaoa, J., Heshmati, S., Rodriguez, M. A., et al. (July 2021). Daily well-being and ABC PLEASE skills during COVID-19. International Positive Psychology Association World Congress [virtual].
Ledbetter, J. & Rodriguez, M. A. (May 2021). The Effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy PLEASE skills on the Mood and Disordered Eating. APS Annual Convention [virtual].
Buehrer, N., Keller, M., Rodriguez, M. A., & Rodriguez, N. (May 2021). Invalidation as a Predictor of Help-Seeking Behaviors and Mental Health Outcomes Among Survivors of Sexual Violence. APS Annual Convention [virtual].
Rodriguez, M.A. (November 2020). Research and Social Justice. Panel at the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship West Coast Regional Conference.
Li, Y. & Rodriguez, M. A. (November 2020). The effects of a one-week DBT skills and peer-counseling training course on depression stress and anxiety among college students in China. ISITDBT annual conference [virtual].
Li, Y. & Rodriguez, M. A. (November 2020). The effect of peer-counseling training based on DBT: A one-year follow-up study. ISITDBT annual conference [virtual].
Weisman, J., Liu, D., Wen, J., & Rodriguez, M.A. (October 2020). The Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 on Pediatric Patients Following Recovery. New England Psychological Association, Northeast Conference. [Virtual]
Weisman, J., Yu, S., Deng, Y., Liu, X., & Rodriguez, M.A. (October 2020). The Toronto Mindfulness Scale: Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version. New England Psychological Association, Northeast Conference. [Virtual]
Weisman, J., Rodriguez, M.A, & Gilman S. (February 2020). A systematic review of medical professionals’ attitudes and knowledge about medical cannabis: Comparing across six countries. Society for Cross-Cultural Research: Division 52 Conference, Seattle, WA.
DBT Iberoamerica Masterclasses.