Calls from the Dean of Faculty

See the Budget and Financial Services page for funding calls and opportunities. 

Scholarly & Curricular Activities 

The Melvin L. Oliver Racial Justice Initiative (RJI) offers award opportunities to host speakers for your course. 

Faculty-In-Residence (FIR) should be interested in student learning and have the desire to relate to students in a residential setting, outside of the formal classroom or laboratory.  The work of the FIR in Pitzer, Atherton, Sanborn (PAS) residence halls is targeted at first-year students and has been designed with the purpose of offering a distinctive benefit to students in their first and most formative year at Pitzer.  The work of the FIR in West, East, and Skandera (WES) is targeted at sophomores, juniors, and seniors and has been designed with the purpose of offering programming that focuses on major selection, academic advising, internships, study abroad considerations and campus involvement.



FIR must be tenure track or have a continuing contract.

During their SIR semester, the faculty member will be released from regular committee and teaching responsibilities in order to pursue scholarly or artistic activities and to offer a seminar course. The seminar will be open to students and faculty and will center on the faculty member’s scholarly or artistic work. The aim of the seminar is to engage students in the process of creating knowledge or artistic work and to enable the faculty member to make substantive progress on a scholarly or artistic product by the end of the semester. Students enrolled in the seminar for credit will respond to the faculty member's work with written comments during the semester. 


The SIR will be chosen from the applicants by a committee consisting of faculty and student representatives from the Curriculum Committee and the Faculty Executive Committee, with the Dean of Faculty and an Associate Dean as ex-officio members. Proposals should be 3-5 pages in length and should 1) outline the nature of the planned scholarly or artistic activities, 2) provide an overview of the planned seminar, including the topics likely to be covered and how student performance will be evaluated, and 3) describe the value of the seminar to the College curriculum. In addition, an updated C.V. should accompany the proposal submission. Selection will be based on the following criteria: 

  • The breadth of appeal of the topic 
  • The value of the seminar to the College curriculum 
  • The feasibility of the scholarly or artistic project 
  • The faculty member's research, service, and publication record 

The SIR will make regular progress reports to the Dean of Faculty during their appointment. In addition, a final report of 2-4 pages describing 1) progress made on the scholarly or artistic project and 2) evaluation of the seminar should be submitted within one semester of completing the SIR appointment. This report will be retained on file in the Dean of the Faculty Office as part of the faculty member’s personnel file. 

Glass Humanities Faculty Coordinator 

Monroe Center for Social Inquiry

Claremont Faculty Leadership Program (CFLP) 

Marquis Salon Faculty Coordinator 

Avery Exchange Program 

Academic Administration 

Annual Reports and Sabbatical Reports are submitted through the following Smartsheet: 

Report Submission




For More Information

Office of the Dean of Faculty