International Exchanges – Argentina: Buenos Aires

Open to Pitzer students only. Program options subject to change.

Pitzer/ISEP Exchange with Universidad del Salvadorargentina-buenos-aires

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Host Website:  ISEP: Universidad del Salvador
Regular university courses

Students must be in good standing at Pitzer College. ISEP requires students to have a 2.75  or higher GPA. Preference is given to juniors and first semester seniors but sophomores are eligible if space is available. A minimum of 5 semesters of university-level Spanish, preferably including a literature class, or the equivalent must be completed prior to the program.

At least one Latin American area studies course is strongly recommended before departure. Other general preparation options include: Comparative Politics, Intercultural Communications, Introduction to International/ Intercultural Studies, Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology

Students must first apply through Pitzer’s Office of Study Abroad and International Programs. If accepted by Pitzer, students will complete the ISEP Exchange application. If accepted by ISEP, students will then complete the University application.

Program Dates
Fall semester (= Semester 2): Mid-July to November
Spring semester (= Semester 1): Mid-March to July
Full year: The Southern Hemisphere academic calendar is from Mid-March to November

Required Courses
Participants are expected to take a full course load equivalent to four Pitzer course credits including one course that with content on Argentine history, politics, literature or culture. In addition, students take the Pitzer course MLLC110 Intercultural Learning: Portfolio Writing via Sakai.

Intensive Language
Not available. Students must have an advanced Spanish level to enroll in university courses taught in Spanish.

Independent Study
See a Study Abroad Adviser.

Course Options
The university features excellent offerings ranging from art history to philosophy. Strong fields include history, literature, international relations, Latin American studies, liberal arts, psychology, physical and music therapy, social communication, and theater arts. Research opportunities are available in environmental studies, social sciences, psychology, and sociology, among others.

Visit the ISEP website shown above and select ‘Website for Course Availability.’ Students can also find information by visiting the USAL website.

Credit Possible
Students must take 20 horas semanales (weekly hours) while abroad which is the equivalent of four Pitzer course credits. Weekly hours vary for each class so students may be enrolled in five or six classes. In addition, students will earn 0.5 Pitzer course credits for the writing course via Sakai. (See above under Required Courses.)

Housing and Board Options
Students are housed in private student residences and apartments or family stay (based upon availability). The stipend is provided for meals depends upon the housing arrangement.

Additional notes
The chance of placement is limited.