Changing Names and/or Gender Markers (NGM) at Pitzer

We understand how important changing a name or gender marker can be for students and the impact on their lives, well-being, identity, and holistic success. We see you, support you, and we want to make this process as straightforward as possible. 

Your name resides in many different systems at Pitzer, and we have tried to simplify the process of changing names by centralizing the process through the Office of the Registrar

There are two different names that you possess at Pitzer College: a Chosen Name (sometimes listed as ‘Preferred Name’) and a Legal Name. Your Chosen Name is identical to your Legal Name unless you elect to change it. A student may change their Chosen name in the system through the Portal at any time. This change will appear on class rosters, but will not appear on legal documents such as a transcript and financial aid related documents. In addition, you may add pronouns to your Portal profile at any time, and may change them at any time. These will be visible to your faculty and advisor. 

A legal NGM change can be initiated by providing a copy of a court order for NGM change. If you cannot obtain a court order in your state of residence, but can obtain some other form of state or federal ID indicating legal NGM change, this can be provided in its place. The Queer Resource Center can provide assistance in the process of changing your legal documents. 

Once you have initiated a LGM change with the Office of the Registrar, you can elect to have your name changed in the following places: Student ID, email address, Sakai, the Portal, this can all be initiated by use of the Chosen Name Request Form