ARC Counseling & Wellness Drop-In Mental Health Support

ARC Counseling Appointment Details

Who: Two therapists from ARC Counseling, Marry Ortega and Tamika Simpson, will be providing drop-in mental health support. Flyer below for background on each clinician.

What: All currently enrolled Pitzer students have access to up to three drop-in mental health support appointments for the Spring 2022 semester

When: January 2022-May 2022. Drop-in Days and Times: Marry 2pm-7pm on Tuesdays and Tamika 11am-4pm on Fridays

Where: Appointments will be held remotely on zoom, but expect an on-campus option to be added in mid-February

How do I make an appointment? email [email protected] and get connected to ARC Counseling’s links to their zoom room and intake paperwork

Questions: If the times/days do not work or you have other concerns or questions, please let Stephanie Hannant know- [email protected] or 909-607-2429.

Additional Wellness Support

Strive2Thrive :Wellness Wednesday weekly programming, Campuswell, CalFresh Support and 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Crisis Hotlines & Warm-Lines: National and local crisis resources

Pitzer Academic Support Services: Academic and Housing accommodations, academic coach proctoring, ESA’s