Climate Adaptation Planning

Since 2021, the Redford Conservancy has involved students and faculty in justice-based municipal planning for climate crisis, producing four reports for local municipalities.

Two EA students wrote policy proposals and accompanying theses through a justice lens for the City of Riverside on electrification of new construction and the attraction of green business as part of Riverside’s climate action plan.

With RRC funding and connections, Keck professor Branwen Williams involved nearly forty students in writing climate vulnerability assessments for the City of Colton and the City of Adelanto for her course on Global Climate Change (Keck 100).

We will be scaling up this work to chart the vulnerability of the Southern California region for our climate dashboard project. Stay tuned!

The reports from Branwen Williams’ courses on Global Climate Change are below:

The Redford Conservancy Fellows along with Pitzer faculty and staff are also beginning to work with on a project with the Port of Long Beach to chart how climate vulnerabilities in the global supply chain might impact operations at the POLB. Stay tuned!