Martabel Wasserman

We must manifest-o a future beyond the deadly combination of fossil fuels and capitalism in order to sustain life on this planet. This task will require a dramatic restructuring of society—which cannot be predetermined by a text—but will be collectively imagined through truly democratic processes. This is an open-ended text based on the belief our current dependency on fossil fuels requires rethinking how capitalism views death and the use history.  It combines invocations of fossils, seashells as remains, deities and departed queer thinkers in a prayer for guidance. It invites readers to summon their own guides for support for the work ahead. We must manifest-o a world where humans, plants, animals and spirits work together for liberation of all.

An Invocation to Honor Death / To Manifest a Future Free of Petro-Capitalism (2018), Poster, 20 x 24 in.