Alice Marie Perreault

Using mixed media and installation, I examine degeneration and “new”-generation. I became interested in this when stem cell research mushroomed in biological science. At the time, my drawings and paintings questioned societal norms and relationship dynamics, elements that persist in my work today.

I combine unconventional materials with traditional tools and techniques. These include medical supplies, which can be tough for people to embrace due to their reference to weakening bodies and mortality. I find ways of breaking barriers through color, play and nature. A multi-faceted language forms from the combination of organic and technologic elements that best reflects my content, which was catalyzed following the neurological impairment of people I love. Combining past with present (traditional paint and modern electrodes for example) requires undulating shifts between the two. Like conversation, it cannot be static. This keeps me challenged and is equal to the task of tapping sensitivities in a desensitized world.

Studies for Wheelchair Bound (2017), Photographs, text, plastic baggies, Dimensions variables