Zoom User Roles Explained

Zoom users are organized as Hosts, Co-Hosts and Participants. Hosts can manage participants and other meeting functions. By default, any participant in a meeting can share their video, screen, and audio. Licensed and Basic accounts can host a Zoom meeting. Participants (students) are not required to have a Zoom account to join a meeting.

The participants in the Manage Participants panel appear in the following order:

  1. You
  2. The host (If you are not host)
  3. Phone numbers with no names
  4. Unmuted participants (sorted alphabetically)
  5. Muted participants (sorted alphabetically)

Host and Co-Host permissions

Hosts and Co-Host can control:

  • Mute participants
  • Request participant unmute
  • Stop participant’s video
  • Request participant starts their video
  • Prevent participants from screen sharing
  • Rename participant(s)
  • Put a participant on hold (if enabled)
  • Control enter or exit chime
  • Lock the meeting
  • Place participants in waiting room or admit/remove participants from the waiting room (waiting room can only be enabled by the host)
  • Manage a Poll

Hosts only can control:


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