Phishing / SPAM Emails

This week’s tip:  No Phishing!

Let’s go over what the indicators are for a phishing email:

Use Your Instinct Does it seem a little strange?  If the little alarm bells are going off, trust that instinct and don’t click on any links in the email.  You can always ask one of our IT staff to help you if you are unsure.

People Asking for Things Sometimes spammers will disguise themselves as people you know and ask for items like gift cards.  You can recognize this scam because it generally says that they are in a meeting and can’t talk on the phone.  If you get a request for gift cards, don’t reply to the email – send a separate email to the person’s address and ask if this was them.

Entering in Your Credentials Most phishing scams (like the one above) are trying to get your account credentials.  Be wary on a website before entering in your username and password.  Where did the website come from and was the link from a trusted source?  For example, if Bank of America sends you a link where you have to enter credentials – think twice.  Call your bank and ask if this is a legitimate request.

Urgency You may know that our email accounts aren’t limited by space like they once were.  Scammers try and instill a sense of urgency in order for you not to spend time thinking about the aspects that make the request seem invalid.