Notification system - 01.11.19

Emergency Procedures and Evacuation Plan Map in English and Spanish (PDF)

Everbridge is an emergency notification service available to students, faculty, and staff. Everbridge can be used to send emergency messages within minutes of the occurrence of an incident. Pitzer College performs a College-wide annual test of the Everbridge system.

Pitzer College is committed to ensuring the campus community receives timely, accurate, and useful information in the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation on campus or in the local area that poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of campus community members

Updating Contact Information for Everbridge Notifications

  • Faculty and Staff: Faculty and staff contact information is loaded into Everbridge through the Workday system. Faculty and staff can update their contact information in Workday.
  • Students: Student contact information is loaded into Everbridge through the student information system. Students can update their contact information by updating the Student Contact Information form in the Registrar’s Office.
LiveSafe Smartphone App - 01.11.19

Emergency Procedures and Evacuation Plan Map in English and Spanish (PDF)

LiveSafe app home screen
The LiveSafe home screen

The Claremont Colleges uses LiveSafe, a free personal safety mobile application for students, parents, and the community to engage in a two-way conversation with Campus Safety allowing users direct access to emergency services.

For more information and where to download this app, visit our LiveSafe informational website at