Len Davis ’97

Business: Loving Legacy Video
Favorite class: The Crossroads of Art and Politics
Favorite professor: Mike Davis
What keeps you busy now: My first feature-length documentary. I’m working on about 20 years of spontaneous interviews with strangers.                 
What is your dream job: Fully financed documentary filmmaker
What book is currently on your nightstand: Inside of a Dog
Best question to ask in an interview: When have you felt most alive in life?
What do you miss most about Pitzer: That it’s likely a school I could no longer get into as the student I was when I entered
What is your most memorable Pitzer moment: Studying abroad in Nepal
Top networking tip: Have a few drinks
How did you get into your current line of work: In 1999, I traveled around the US at the turn of the millennium, 20,000 miles in a minivan with my best friend, using the new technology of digital video to interview strangers about Y2K and the state of the nation. I’ve been a filmmaker ever since.
Favorite quote: “Stay Fresh” + “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Submitted August 2018