

Find out more about the unique classroom experience at Pitzer


Class Size

At Pitzer our discussion-based rather than lecture-based class style supports small classes, resulting in close interpersonal relationships with other students and faculty. Rather than sitting in a lecture hall of hundreds of people, at Pitzer our average class size is 16 and our student to faculty ratio is 12:1. By keeping our classes small, students are able to have meaningful, thought provoking discussions on course readings with all perspectives being heard.

Faculty Interactions

Outside of the classroom, professors can act as mentors, major advisors, and even be your boss! Working directly with a professor is one of the most amazing experiences possible at Pitzer. Whether it be working on an experiment in the bio lab, organizing a campus activist event, or writing a book together, you’ll gain amazing experience and skills that will benefit you on whatever career path you choose.


Co-Taught Classes

One unique aspect of classes at Pitzer is that many of our courses are co-taught by two or more professors. These courses are often born of a unique aspect of Pitzer’s architecture; there are no designated buildings for each field group! Instead, a philosophy professor can have their office right next to a biology professor. This intermingling of field groups promotes interdisciplinary education by forming these co-taught classes. This way students are able to learn about the same topic from two often incredibly different perspectives in the co-taught course selection.

Lab & Practicum Courses

While most courses at Pitzer are discussion based, in order to provide students with more hands-on experience, many courses have an additional practicum or lab associated. Typically, a lab brings to mind a STEM course with beakers and experiments. This is of course true, but lab time is not limited to STEM. A ceramics course can have studio time separate from discussion, psychology may have a practicum for learning data analysis, and media studies a lab session to learn how to use camera equipment. The addition of these lab and practicum courses is incredibly important to the education at Pitzer because now the education is not theoretical but based in concrete skills and experience.
